Sunday, August 26, 2018

Cans and Can'ts

Yesterday was the first day in a long time I was able to sleep in a little bit.
I drank my coffee outside in the cool morning then began my morning exercise.  I do CrossFit.  If you don't know anything about it, it is functional fitness.  I exercise in a way that makes living life easier.  I'm not trying to simply strengthen one muscle at a time, I'm trying to make moving easier and more efficient and in the meantime I get stronger and leaner.

But that is not what this post is about.

When I finished my workout, which consisted of hang power cleans with a barbell, push ups and air squats, I felt amazing.

I didn't feel amazing because the workout was easy, in fact, I was lying on the ground trying to slow my breathing when I finished.

It was amazing because I did it.

I moved a barbell from my hips to my shoulders efficiently, with strength and amazing form.  I did my push-ups quickly and didn't have to take breaks whenever my arms refused to move because my arms kept moving.  I squatted with near-perfect form and sped through them. 

It felt amazing because I could move.
It felt amazing because I could push myself to be better.
It felt amazing because I could breath.
It felt amazing because I could.

Over the past 10 months, I have graduated from lying in a recliner feeling pain with every movement to walking slowly to adding a few new movements, but doing them slowly, to beginning to pick up light weights to moving faster to the amazing workout I finished yesterday. 

Each and every step was a small victory.  When I could walk pain free I was thrilled.  When I was allowed to do my first squat I was ecstatic.  When I got to pick up my first barbell, I celebrated.  Everything I am capable of doing is a celebration.  Every strength I have is a gift.  Every weakness I have is simply something waiting to be a strength.

I tell you this story to encourage you to celebrate all you CAN do. 
I don't know what your can'ts are, but I know they can threaten to pull you down.  They can threaten to make you feel "less than" or weak.  They can send you into dark places.

Today celebrate all you can do.  If you are reading this I know you can breath and read.  Find every little ability and celebrate. 

Today my cans outweigh my can'ts.  I still feel my weaknesses, but all I want to focus on are my strengths.  When I focus on my strengths I feel stronger.  I don't see my weakness like blinding neon signs and I am excited to keep moving and potentially overcome any and all obstacles threatening to stop me.

I know you wish you had nothing you had to say you can't do, but don't forget all you can do. I know you have medical struggles or family struggles or work struggles.  I also know you are victorious over so many other things.  Live in the victories and they will soon increase.


  1. I want to be victorious and get "me" back. I have back issues that cause my knees not to bend, or want to. I hope to have surgery this week, which is a crazy thing to hope. I want to feel the victory you felt at each of your conquered challenges. Thank you! I needed this today. Outside appearances aren't always what is really going on, I need to be victorious! Thank God for faith...I don't know what I would do without Him.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing Kay! I'm so thankful this helped. I'll be praying for you that the victories will scream louder than can'ts.

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