Sunday, September 16, 2018


After taking 6 weeks off of teaching last year due to back surgery, I was determined to have a healthy school year this year.  I was determined not to get sick and not to have to take a bunch of days off. 

So this past week I caught a cold.

I only had to take one sick day, but I was sick all week.  I spent most of the past two weekends on the couch trying to rest and heal so I could make it through the work week.

A little bit of pride snuck in.  I thought I could will myself to remain healthy.  I was quickly reminded I do not have the power to will health on myself.  I can only make the best choices available to me and when illness sneaks in anyway, I have to succumb and give myself time to heal. 

You can't ignore illnesses and pretend you are well, you will simply get more ill.

You can't ignore fatigue and keep moving, you will eventually collapse.  

You can't ignore a needed rest, it will catch up to you in the end.

You have to care for yourself.  

You have to eat food that makes you feel strong and powerful.

You have to exercise and let you body move and gain strength.

You have to sleep and let your mind and body rest.

I know these things.  I've been fighting against them for years.  I've been deciding between work and rest since I was in high school and choose homework or friends over sleep.  I chose motherly and wifely duties over rest when my girls were little.  I choose school work over rest for many of my early teaching years.

Then cancer came. . . then MS. . . then debilitating pain leading to back surgery and I learned that my health isn't greater than any other choice.

I'm stronger than I've ever been.  I can run and move without exhaustion.  I've learned how to eat so I have more strength and energy and I love what I get to eat.  Most importantly, I know how to rest.  I know when my body needs a break and I take it.  I know when I am catching a cold and take precautions to let my body repair itself.  I don't put myself in jeopardy by neglecting sleep.  Most importantly, I don't feel badly for taking care of myself.

If your health slips away it takes a lot of time and a lot of work to get it back. I have mine.  It doesn't matter what my medical record says.  I am healthy and amazing and having a cold for a week simply gives me a chance to remember how grateful I am for all I can do.  It reminds me it is okay to take sick days and it is okay celebrate healthy days. 

I feel like I talk about how important it is to do everything you can to remain healthy a lot, but as I look around, so many people are unhealthy.  Just 4 months ago I weighed 15 pounds more than I do now.  I didn't know I had that much weight to lose.  I didn't know I was eating food that helped to keep my mind foggy and maintain lethargic energy.  I didn't know until I changed, until I started to make different decisions.  

I want everyone to feel strong and healthy.  I want everyone to have energy and to be happy in their own skin.  I've been to all the other places of health and want to stay where I am for as long as I can.  In fact, this past week I was unable to exercise and I still lost weight (fat, not just muscle) and I still PR'd my bench press today.  I was extra fit before I got sick so I didn't lose my health.  In fact, my level of fitness probably helps me heal faster.

Take the time and energy to invest in yourself.  Your health is worth more than anything else you can invest in.

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