Saturday, January 28, 2017


Today is a down day. I worked all week and exhausted my mind and body.  I changed my original plans and have stayed down all day.

Today illustrates the importance of listening to yourself.  I used to push through all fatigue and exhaustion and do what was on my list no matter what.

Now, I listen.  I listen to my body.  When it wants to slow down and gather strength, I ignore the dishes, the laundry and the pile of papers and I rest until I have the energy to take up the tasks again.

There are no awards for driving oneself to exhaustion.  There is weariness and wondering why there is so much.

However, there are personal rewards for listening to yourself, taking care of yourself and putting yourself first.  Whether its a disease, a young family, or a busy schedule that makes you weary, those things that are requiring of you will benefit from your rest and your health.  You will heal faster, your family will rejoice that you are present and not too exhausted to enjoy them, your schedule will adapt and wait for you.

As a teacher, I have never performed poorly at my job because I went home and rested.  My family has never gone without clothing because the laundry waited a day.  As much as I dislike it, the dirty dishes on the counter never caused a bad day.

Listen to your muscles, listen to your thoughts, listen to your heart, listen to your capabilities or lack there of.  They will tell you when it is time to stop and breathe, they will tell you when you need to recharge.  Don't ignore the voices because you think you "should" be doing something.  You are more important than all that.

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