Friday, May 18, 2018

No Worries

Last summer after my master's graduation (it wasn't just any graduation - I got my master's degree- which will always be a very big deal to me), my mom and her husband gave me a necklace.  It was heart-shaped with diamonds around the outside and my birthstone in the center.  I loved it!  I loved it because it was my birthstone, it was heart-shaped, it was pretty, it was from my mom and it marked an enormous accomplishment and the end of a difficult season.  I wore it everyday.  I wore it to bed.  I loved seeing the physical reminder of my achievements.

The other day, the blue stone fell out of the middle of the necklace.  I never saw where it fell.  I only saw that it was missing.  I looked everywhere, down the dish drain, under every couch cushion, under beds that I hadn't been near, in the cracks in woven rugs. . . I couldn't find it.  I was sad.  The necklace was still pretty without the stone, but it wasn't the same.  I took it back to the store hoping they could help.  The needed more information which would take me time to get so I returned home with the broken necklace.

The next day, while discussing the necklace with my mom and stretching my sore legs on the floor, my eyes fell on a small blue stone in the middle of the rug.  I found it!

Fortunately, I wasn't able to return it.  Fortunately, I hadn't vacuumed.  Fortunately, my legs hurt so badly I had to stretch then to relieve the pain.

Or. . .

God, my Heavenly Father, my Daddy who cares about every detail of my life made sure I would find it because he knows it's special and cares about me in a very special way.

I share this story because these kinds of little gifts happen to me all the time.  Because they are common, these stories are what I remember when the journey is especially difficult.  I remember if my Daddy cares about the little things in my life, he will surely take care of me during the difficult times as well.

Fourteen years ago, I was 9 months pregnant with my youngest daughter.  For some reason I don't quite remember, we scheduled to be induced the day after her due date.  I wasn't comfortable with the decision, but went along.  I was induced with my first daughter and it was difficult.  I was hoping she could come when she was ready rather than when we were ready.

The day came for my appointment.  Something happened at the doctor's office and they weren't ready for me.  They called to reschedule for 2 days later.  I felt so much better, yet I didn't need to do anything.  I simply trusted everything would work out.

On the day of our appointment I had gone into labor on my own.  By the time we arrived at the hospital for my appointment my contractions were 5 minutes apart and I had no need to be induced.  We also got to avoid the triage area and went straight to a room.  It was an amazing delivery.

These stories are common in my life.  I love looking for them.  I love trusting they will come again and knowing I don't have to worry about any difficulties on my journey.

I wrote the following words 14 years ago after my appointment was rescheduled and I was thankful for trusting:

I love waiting on the Lord.  I love the strength and comfort His Word gives.  I love His will overriding mine.  I love His great hand guiding my life and each direction I go.

Whether it's a difficult season, a scary appointment or a broken necklace I find that trusting and waiting and remembering that trusting always pays off is the best way.

During my early days of cancer I had to remind myself of my Daddy's faithfulness.  I had no answers, but I knew He loved me and I could trust Him.  During days of immense pain, I knew it wouldn't last forever and I knew that I could simply trust and know the end would be good for me one way or another.

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