Wednesday, May 9, 2018


As each year passes, I find that time is the most valuable gift to me.

It's Teacher Appreciation Week this week.  I love the coffee, chocolate and flowers, but I keep thinking about how what I would like most is time.

I would like time to complete my tasks without running to the next scheduled event.  I would like time to breathe, time to enjoy each moment of each day, time to have meaningful conversations, time to live rather than run from one thing to another.

I prefer time with people to any monetary gift.  Time to myself is like precious gold.  Time with my family is a treasure I keep close.  As my girls get older, my time with them will change and probably diminish.  I won't get back any moment that is lost with them. 

I have a strong disliking for things that steal my precious time.  For example, I would prefer not to shower, do my hair or make-up.  I do them, but I would prefer to have that time for something else.  I hate email.  I know that at times it is a necessary evil, but it is a vicious time thief.  I often have to choose between checking my email or actually doing my job.  I don't mind waiting in lines or traffic.  Usually, I use that time to pause and breathe and notice the world around me.  It is the daily, socially required tasks which I don't like. 

My grandma would repeatedly tell me all she wanted was to be with me.  Fortunately, she said those words while I was sitting with her.  In those moments she couldn't fully express her joy when I was there spending time with her, but she tried.  My youngest loves it when I choose to do something with her.  We can go for a walk or play a game and she is thrilled. 

The more I talk to people, the more I realize talking to people is the best thing to do.  I love visiting with people, sharing stories and spending time in one another's company.  I walk away from that time thankful to get a peek into someone else's life, thankful to be able to share a peek into my own and thankful that we could share in each other's journey for a moment.  It always feels better when you don't feel like you are walking alone.  It always feels better to know that someone may have traveled a path like yours and made it through. 

Whatever part of your journey you are on, whether a high beautiful mountain peak, a dark low valley or a root-filled trail seemingly winding in circles, cherish the time you have.  Cherish the moments of peace, cherish the moments that make you stronger even if they are difficult.  Cherish the moments of quiet and the moments of ear-splitting noise.  This time is precious and there is something precious in each and every moment.

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