Sunday, November 25, 2018


One of the battles I deal with daily is wondering what people are saying about me.  I know about the phrase that people probably aren't saying anything at all.  I wonder, when people treat me differently, if they are having conversations about my decisions behind my back.  I wonder, when people's actions change, what has been said while I'm not around.  When they talk about others behind their backs, I know there is a chance they talk about me.

I am not innocent of this.  I've been working hard to tell people what I am thinking and ask them questions about what is going on in their lives rather than make assumptions.  I try to be upfront and honest, but fear of other's responses, caution to not overstep, and my own shyness often cause me to hold my tongue.  It is important that if I choose to hold my tongue I don't loose it later when that person is no longer around.

I believe strongly that my actions and my true character will ultimately defend me from those who speak untrue things about me.  I believe, as they share those negative words, the listeners will think about who they know me to be and decide for themselves, based on evidence, whether those words are true or not and not simply believe because it is easy.

As I stand firm in my position and work to have a true and good character no matter what anyone says, I still find myself fearing people are talking about me behind my back.  I fear they are sharing one-sided stories without considering my side.

I remember feeling this way when I was sick.  It didn't matter if I had cancer or a fresh MS diagnosis, people often looked shocked I didn't look worse.  Their surprised, "You look good!"  implied I wasn't really that sick since I didn't look sick.  People forget we want to put on our best face.  I will feel horrible and relax my smile when I am alone.  When I am with you I will put on a positive and strong face.

My family has been through a number of difficult moments ranging the entire gamut of problems.  Each time we overcame a new difficulty, we made decisions about our lives that made sense for us in our season.  Our decisions may not have made sense to anyone else.  Others may have looked at us and thought we were making a large mistake or a poor decision or we would regret our actions.  Honestly, during all those situations there were very few people who told us any of those things.  I know they thought it, but no one said a word.   First, if people share their doubts, we are given an opportunity to explain ourselves.  Our explanation may remove other's doubts or we may stop and think about our decision and be certain it is wise.

We bought a house after only being married for 3 years, with one teacher income to support us.  No one told us our decision might not be completely wise. 

We sold everything we could and prepared to move to Canada to start a church.  We made it 40 miles down the road and bought another house instead.  A few people supported us completely.  The rest didn't speak, in fact, they stopped speaking to us altogether.  We learned who our true friends were. 

We started going to CrossFit.  Plenty of people gave us the stink-eye about that.  We stopped attending a physical church.  I still have people who judge us about that, but they've never asked why.

We had a list of reasons for all these decisions.  We talked about it, we prayed about it.  Today, there are people who whispered behind our backs for each of these decisions.  There are others who stayed by our side and supported us because they cared about us no matter what decisions we were in the middle of making.

What is my point?

You can't keep people from talking about you.  You can stop people from gossiping about your life and your decisions.  You can't affect change on those who stand by and doubt and question your actions.  But you can be the person who doesn't do these things.

You can be the person who doesn't entertain judgments about other people.  You can be the person who looks to your neighbors character above everything else.  You can be honest and real in the face of doubt and pretense.  You can stand tall whenever you feel others are trying to knock you down.

We just celebrated Thanksgiving.  Daily, I was thankful I could walk, cook dinner, play games and participate with my family and friends, all things I couldn't do a year ago.  I am thankful for the special people I shared the day with.  I'm thankful for the blessings I couldn't count because they are too numerous.  I am also thankful for the people in my life that are real, honest and accepting of me and all my imperfections.  I don't pretend to be perfect or have it all together.  I hope I never sound like I am.  I have plenty of doubts, fears and questions.  I try to be honest with you, it is something I am daily working on improving.

I fear what certain readers will think or say.  I fear people will stop reading.  I fear people will look at me differently or treat me differently because I tried to be a little more honest.

I hope you can see beyond each other's facade.  I hope you can see the real person buried underneath and work to encourage that person to come out.  Let them know it is safe to be themselves.  You won't judge them or talk about them.  You will talk to them and stand by their side.

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