Saturday, July 28, 2018

Find Treasures

Fear seems to have become a theme for me in the past month.  It wasn't intended, it's simply what keeps flashing through my ever-thinking brain.  I was filling up my water bottle the other day at our slow flowing refrigerator spigot.  I tend to think and reflect as I stand waiting for the water to slowly fill.  I realized I am not afraid of my health right now.

I am not afraid of breaking every time I move.  I am not thinking about former surgeries for cancer or anything else.  Other than my bi-daily reminder to take my MS pill, I have thought little of that either. 

I'm blessed.  I am the healthiest I've been in a long time, but it hasn't come without a price.  I work hard every day.  I have been fighting to regain my strength and energy since my back surgery for  8 months. 

I know that many if not most of you are going through difficult parts of your journey.  Health issues rise up everywhere.  Relationships can take us on emotional roller coasters.  We can easily become overwhelmed by the daily rituals and expectations.  In the moments when we feel like we are in the path of racing tornado it is time to stop and decide what is most important.  What is worth our time and energy?  What part of our lives do we want to ensure makes it through to the other side of the rocky part of our path?

It comes down to choices. 

If health is important than your choices each day should reflect health.  You will make wise decisions about food.  You will take time to move to provide an opportunity for your body to get stronger.  You may sacrifice a little television time or free time to make these choices happen, but you won't sacrifice your health. It is important to you to have energy to enjoy and do whatever comes along your path.  This summer I've swam, paddle-boarded, ridden a bike, bowled, and done a number of other activities.  It is important to me to be able to do any activity when the opportunity arises.  I don't want to sit out and watch while everyone else has fun.

If relationships are the most important you will choose those people and choose time with them.  You will put aside the tasks that keep you busy and distracted and understand those tasks will always be there.  The people may not.  My girls are growing and making plans for their futures.  I know they will leave one day.  I've had friends move away.  Family members get older and die.  It took me a long time to learn that sometimes I need to put away the vacuum and spend time with people.  Sometimes it doesn't matter what my house look like, but it does matter that I visit with my friend.

I pray you find peace.  I pray you find the treasures in your life you want to protect and invest your time and energy into.  I pray you find the day when you are not afraid of tomorrow.

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