Tuesday, July 10, 2018


It rained today.

When I am at the ocean I want to enjoy all of it each moment I can.  I don't want to miss a chance to be near it or to watch its constantly changing waves.  I don't live near the ocean so it's like watching a bright orange sunset.  You don't want to look away because you know it won't last.

When it rains, I get excited.  I have a reason to get cozy, stay inside, play some games and watch the rain and the crashing waves from a distance.

I love and enjoy the beautiful days at the ocean, but the bad weather days can be just as enjoyable.

Over the past 20 years there have been many "forever changed" days: days that marked the beginning of something in my life becoming permanently different.  Some days were the beginning of missing a loved one, the realization I would never talk to them or see them again.  Some days were the beginning of a change in health.  The journey ahead would be about regaining my health even though there would always be a scar. 

Some days were also new beginnings.  Each day one of my daughters was born marked a moment my life would never be the same, but it was a blessing.  We've moved to 4 new homes in the past two decades.  Each move marked a new chapter, a home ready to build new memories.

Most of the time we plan the good changes.  We expect a baby, we schedule a move and pack our walls of boxes.  The unexpected changes tend to be more difficult.  The unexpected changes wake us in the middle of the night, surprise us in the morning, tear our hearts out as we mourn the loss.

Just like the eagerness to absorb as much of the ocean as I can in a week, I try to enjoy each moment of each day.  No one knows when that phone call will come.  No one knows which cup of coffee with your friend will be the last one.  I'm not saying dread the future, I'm saying don't forget to enjoy the present.  Don't forget to feel the breeze on your face, take in the sunshine like a growing flower, welcome the rain and the rest and refreshment. 

Those days when your child won't sleep through the night won't last long.  They will also stop wanting to snuggle with you before you are ready.  The money might be tight, but it won't always be that way.  One day you will remember the joys that were mixed into those lean days.

I found myself running down the road a few years ago celebrating my strength and ability to run.  I couldn't always run, but on this day I could.  I didn't complain about the strain in my legs.  Instead, I shouted with joy that my body was able to run.  I was acutely aware something could come and quickly take my running strength away.  This awareness, this ability to not take anything for granted reminds me to focus on today's journey.

Time doesn't slow down.  Children don't stop growing.  We don't stop getting older.  None of us ever stop changing.  We have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  It may bring blessings, it may bring difficulties.  It will come and our only job is to be present each moment and walk with joy the path before us knowing it will make us stronger. 

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