Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Independence Day

This morning, I've been reflecting on the significance of our Independence Day in the United States. Most people celebrate our freedoms. I think the true celebration is our freedom to sacrifice.

As I transition through different moments in my life, I realize that it's my ability and freedom to choose to sacrifice for others that makes me free. All over the world people are forced to sacrifice. They are persuaded to give up their freedoms for their family, their religion or their country. I give up my freedoms everyday. I give up my choice to do whatever I want for peace in my family. I give up the desire to drive 100 miles per hour for the safety of others. Yes, I would love to drive that fast. I choose to give those things up. I choose to be kind. I choose love over my own freedom to do what I want.

Our service men and women choose to devote their lives to their country. Mothers and Fathers choose  to sacrifice a laundry list of things for their children.

It isn't freedom if someone makes you sacrifice something you love. It's freedom when you sacrifice because you love. I am thankful I have this freedom today.

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