Friday, February 16, 2018

Water Your Roots

The trees that have deep roots can withstand the most trauma.  Their strength doesn't lie in their trunk no matter how wide it might be or how many rings it has to show its age.  Their strength doesn't lie in the branches that sway in the wind and hold up young feet who climb limb after limb.  Their strength doesn't lie in their height even though we marvel as it tries to touch the clouds.  A tree's strength lies in its roots.  If its roots go deep and spread out like the longest fingers reaching to meet up with other fingers, it will stand strong.  The roots grip the deep earth and hold tight as the elements above ground attack it.

The sun won't be too hot.  The snow won't be too cold.  The wind won't be too strong.  Whatever tries to attack the tree will not win because its roots hold it firm.

No one can predict the difficulties that will come their way.  No one can predict the trials they will have to overcome.  No one can predict tomorrow.

However, you can grow deep roots.

In my story, cancer and MS tried to take me out.  They tried to knock me down a notch one right after the other.  When that didn't work, I had a herniated disc in my back that literally kept me off my feet for a month.  None of those things succeeded.  They didn't succeed because I had roots. 

As I look to the future, I can only change what I can control.  I can eat foods that make me feel good and give me energy.  I can keep moving.  I know that doing everything in my power to be healthy and strong will give me a good foundation, good roots and whatever tries to take me out again won't have a chance.  The trial may break some of my branches, peel some of my bark, shed some of my leaves, but it won't knock me down.  In the end I will still be standing.  In the end, my branches will grow again, and my leaves will return. 

To be prepared for tomorrow's trial, I simply need to work on my roots.

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