Monday, April 9, 2018


We have a bird in our tree.  We only have one tree in our backyard and it isn't a year old yet.  I've been enjoying the signs of spring at our new house.  I get a new surprise every day.  First it was the buds on the trees, now it is our bird.

We used to have more birds than we could count at our old house.  We also had the tallest trees and the most trees, all in our backyard.  The finches would devour the food in the feeder, the juncos would eat the leftovers off the ground.  The robins stole the warms in the morning.  The doves cooed nearby all day.  The starlings would sometimes take over the trees.  The quail even came by once in a while with their bobbing head dresses.  On rare occasions we would catch a glimpse of a hawk scanning the nearby field for mice.

Now, my day is made because there is a small robin hanging out in our one tree.  He comes to eat a little then returns to simply sit.  The robins I have seen in the past seem pretty busy.  They want to get some food and move on.  I've never seen one sit and hang out.  He's been here almost every day.  I feel blessed because he has chosen our tree.

Our backyard at our old house was an oasis.  When the wind moved the trees, they sang like the waves of the ocean.  We had vines, wildflowers, lilies, roses, irises, hollyhocks, pansies, daisies and some friendly weeds.  We had immense privacy and it was usually 10 degrees cooler in our backyard surrounded by 10 of the tallest and fullest trees.

I could miss it, but I don't.  I remember it.

I could be sad that I have one young tree and one small bird, but I'm not.  I find great joy in it.  I know how precious tall trees are and that one must wait for them.  I know how sweet the sound of visiting birds are and will cherish each one.  I am where I am supposed to be.  Because I know how precious the gifts of spring are, I will welcome and appreciate the smallest of moments.  If I mourn my losses, I forget to be thankful for what I have.

I lost a lot during cancer.  I lost more when I was diagnosed with MS.  I could look back and mourn all that was lost, all that changed in my life, but then I would miss what I could be thankful for today.  I would miss the blessings, the victories, the lessons.

I will celebrate each time the robin comes to visit my little tree and I will celebrate each day's gifts.

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