Thursday, April 19, 2018

Beauty Behind

I saw a beautiful picture of a young lady the other day.  She is battling cancer.  She feels insecure as her body battles the effects of cancer treatment on her body.  When I saw her picture, I saw beauty.

I don't know her.  I've never met her, but her picture moved me.  I saw her vulnerability, but it was hiding behind everything that was amazing about her.  I saw joy, confidence, hope and utter beauty.

I know she is struggling because she doesn't look the way she wants, yet she can't change it because the medication and treatment is wrecking havoc on her body.  I know she is struggling to maintain her energy and move forward.

Yet, she does move forward.

She wakes up, puts on her beautiful shoes, walks into her garden and smiles her best smile. She keeps speaking to people.  She keeps putting herself out there for others to see.  She keeps moving.

Every time I see someone who is in the midst of the battle of cancer, I am in awe.  I know they are in pain.  I know they are mentally and emotionally drained, yet they keep smiling, they keep moving, they keep listening, they keep talking, they never quit.

They encourage all of us to take on the battles one day at a time, to fight them and to know that in the end we will be okay.

As you deal with your difficulty, whether it is cancer or something else, I want to encourage you to keep moving.  Each step will give you strength and bring you closer to the end.  When in the deepest ditch, remember that soon you will be out and you will be able to see clearly again.  When the mountain is too steep, remember that at the top you will be able to rest and see the landscape.  When your feet feel like they are stuck in quick sand, remember that in a few steps, the quicksand will go and you will be free to run again.

Strength, determination, persistence, and hope are beautiful jewels on any person.  That lovely young lady battling cancer is beautiful wearing all these jewels and standing tall.  I pray she is encouraged to keep moving through this season.  She will look back at her journey and be in awe of what she overcame.

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