Thursday, April 5, 2018

Snowflakes and Blossoms

One day we drove down our road and were greeted by trunks and branches coming out of the ground.  There were no leaves or flowers on these branches, just bare sticks.  One might think they were all dead except for the date on the calendar.

The next day we drove down the same road and were greeted by flowers and blossoms blooming in colors of pink and white.  The same bare branches that resembled dead trees were now teaming with life. 

I love that one day can be full of rain and wind and the next day can be blue skies and sunshine.  I'm never too concerned about the weather, it is always changing.  I'm never too down about one season or another, in just a few months everything will change again.

The sprouting blossoms remind me that each minute, each day, each week, each month, each moment is fresh and new and filled with hope and possibilities.  Even when the trees are bare, tomorrow they may be covered in flowers.  The snow may be falling on Monday, but the flowers decide to pop out of the ground on Tuesday. 

Today can be a horrible, difficult day, but tomorrow will be full of joy and promise.

Look to the flowers that come back every year.  Seasons will continue to change, weather will sometimes be unpredictable, but we can count on the flowers to return no matter how hard or long the winter.

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