Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Duct Tape

When there is a lot going on. . . the list is long, the tasks are daunting, and life feels overwhelming, I feel like I'm being held together with duct tape.  I will appear calm, together, wise and patient, but inside I am terrified, overwhelmed, lost and ready to be finished.  Because I have imaginary, extremely colorful, duct tape wrapped around me holding everything together, I don't fall apart while anyone is looking.

The duct tape ensures that I can function like a normal person, I can make good decisions, I can drive where I need to go.  Knowing this is how the duct tape works, and I am quite successful at keeping it together when I should be falling apart, imagine what would make it unravel.

You know how strong duct tape is. You know how everyone uses it for the things they want to be held together for eternity.  What can you imagine is happening to me when the duct tape that is holding me together begins to unravel?  It is the only way I can describe these moments.  I'm being held together with duct tape.  Every once in a while, I feel a piece tear and something tries to crumble away from me.
I know that very soon, the duct tape won't be needed.  It's only temporary.  It helps get through the parts that try to beat me up.  It's my protective covering in addition to protecting me from falling apart.

It is essential that the duct tape is colored with pink and perhaps and a little orange.

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