Monday, May 15, 2017

Juggling and Enjoying It

I was recalling my list of tasks that I have to complete in the next month and a half to someone today and discovered why I might be waking up at 3:30 in the morning, unable to shut off my brain.

The school year will be over in less than two weeks.  One week after the students go home for the summer, I must have my classroom packed and stored away waiting for my new classroom to be finished in August. Between now and the end of the school year I have to finish my final paper for my master's program.  I have 45 pages and at least 10 more to complete along with edits and finishing touches.  In mid June I travel to my college  to take 2 weeks of classes followed by my graduation week where we present our research papers. About the time I leave for my college we may be moving into a new home which means that between now and then I will also be packing up my current home and figuring out what I can get rid of.

It's a lot.  It's a lot to say and a lot to think about, but I try to take one moment and one day at a time.  I can't complete all of that in a day, but I can complete it in small chunks, bit by bit.  You eat an elephant one bite at a time.  I'm not going to worry about the bite I'll be taking on June 12th.  I'll just take the bite in front of me. I'll chew thoroughly so as not to choke and try to enjoy each bite along the way.  It won't be long and all of this will be behind me and I'll wonder where the time went.  I don't want to rush it away or be panicky or stressed.  I just want to keep moving, being careful not to miss the gems on my journey and maintain my character as my girls watch me juggle the this list of "to dos."

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