Sunday, May 21, 2017

Teenage Girls

I had a long conversation with my youngest daughter the other day and realized something very important that nobody says, some people know, and everyone should practice.

People need to hear positive things about them.

It may seem like an obvious thing.  You may be thinking that you already know that, but if you are like me, you don't often do it.  Remember the last time you looked at someone and thought they looked nice, did you say it out loud?  When was the last time you told someone their character was amazing or impressive?  When did you last tell someone that kind thought you just had about them?  If you're like me, you thought those thoughts, but never said them.

Teenage girls need to hear they're beautiful, kind, sweet, and amazing.  They need to be told that they are wonderful just as they are and they don't need to try to be like someone else.  If they are not completely accepted by their friends, it is not necessarily because there is something wrong with them. They are amazing and don't need to fill someone else's box.  They need to be themselves and be okay with being a bit different sometimes.   If you've met teenage girls or ever been one, being different is the last thing they want. They want to fit in, but we should encourage them to be their true selves instead.

I'm hoping you are realizing that this doesn't only apply to teenage girls.  It applies to all of us.  All of us need to be comfortable in our own skin and let others be in their own skin.  Instead of being jealous of another's amazing-ness, we need to let them know we noticed and we think it is wonderful.

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