Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Pink Story: Daily Waves

“I am always beside you helping you face today’s waves (Jesus Calling).”

Yet another quote that spoke directly to my heart.  Each day has many waves.  Some of the waves are exciting and fun and some are terrifying.  Honestly, all the waves look scary to me from the shore.  They don’t start to get exciting until I get into them and actually get to ride them.  From the beach they always look larger than they really are.  By the time I’m within reach of the waves they begin to look ride-able and even a little inviting, no longer quite so daunting.  He does that, I know my Daddy is taking those waves down before they take me down.

Today, the largest wave I have to deal with is lack of time.  Daddy, will you give me clarity of mind to know what needs to be done and the efficiency to do it?  Will you help me to remember and not forget what I need as I travel from place to place?  Thank you for watching over me and making my day efficient.  Thank you for taking down the big waves and letting me ride the little ones.

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