Sunday, September 10, 2017

Fitness Goals

Someone asked me what my fitness goals were the other day.  The options they gave me were maintenance and gaining more muscle.  I realized, after I was asked that question, that it was a difficult question to answer.  When I workout my only goal is to become better. If I'm running, I hope to become a better and faster runner.  If I'm lifting weights, I hope to lift a bit more.  If I'm doing a workout that I've done before, I hope that I will do it better than the last time I did it.  I simply want to be better than I was before.

As I thought about my answer to the question, I realized it is something that I try to or should try to achieve in every aspect of my life.  Each day, with each task or each moment, I should be becoming a little bit better.

I should be a better wife each day I learn a little bit more about my husband.  I should be a better mother each day I know my girls more.  I should be a better teacher each day that I learn a new strategy or trick.  I should be a better friend as I get to know my friends and understand them more.  I should be a stronger person after going through the fire.  I should be a healthier person each time I exercise.

So the answer to the question about my goals is that each moment I want to be stronger, faster, healthier, and wiser than the day before and I will do whatever I can to get to that place.

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