Friday, October 27, 2017

I Can

It's not about what you can't do.  It's about what you can.
It's not about your limitations.  It's about your achievements.
I don't want people to say she did well considering all her obstacles, I want them to say she did well and on top of that, look at what she overcame.

There may always be a list of what I cannot do, but I want to celebrate the list of things I can do,
I can walk, talk, listen, write and read.  I can do my job, take care of my family, and enjoy my friends.  I can make a difference in other's lives.  I can love.  I can care.  I can show up.

The list of things I can do is much longer than the things I cannot do.  I choose to celebrate and remember what I am still capable of and when something I can do becomes a cannot, I will still celebrate all the cans that remain.

I will celebrate my achievements and not focus on my limitations.  I can.

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