Tuesday, October 31, 2017


We will be remembered for how we treated people, how we spoke to them, how we cared about them, how we encouraged them, and how we loved them.  Our actions and accomplishments aren't as everlasting as our character.

I spent a couple days listening to the achievements of some great people during an awards ceremony.  The slide shows celebrated their diligence, their willingness to make a difference in the lives around them, their willingness to give of their time and themselves.  We celebrated their steadfastness, work ethic and humbleness.  Their achievements were amazing, but it was their character in the midst of these achievements that everyone was honoring. 

Are you most proud of your character in the day to day, in the midst of difficult times or times when life takes a little more effort?  Or are you most proud of the list of achievements you can put on your resume?

Are you thankful for a day where you positively impacted people, encouraged them and helped them meet their goals?  Or are you more thankful that you met your goals?

Achievements are wonderful and they often drive us to move forward, but they aren't everything and they shouldn't keep us from having the kind of character that moves people, encourages people and gives people hope that they can overcome the difficulties, challenges and obstacles in life.  The people around you will believe in themselves because of you.

This doesn't happen through work.  This happens through living and loving and being your best even if your best doesn't feel all that great.

How do you want to be remembered?

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