Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Orange Story: New Normal

Once I figured out how to manage my MS medication, I had to accept a new normal.

I discovered I moved at a slower pace, not literally, but I tended to do everything at a slow even keel.  If I had a list of tasks, I completed a few them then I needed to pause before completing a few more.  I couldn't simply push myself through a list of chores like I used to do.

Before MS, I could accomplish great feats of work in a day.  I can't do that now.  I will end up being too worn out.  It will always take me longer to complete a long list because I refuse to push myself to the limit just to accomplish a list of tasks.

People all over are busy from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed at night.  They are also waking up early and staying up late.  They fill their day with scheduled events and rush through meals in order to get to the next event or skip meals all together.  I used to be capable of this.  I used to be able to work all day, come home and clean the house or make dinner, do laundry and be capable of doing it all again the next day.  I could do all of it alone and didn't need any help.

My new normal is that I can't do that anymore.  I can't do it all.  I definitely can't do it alone.  I manage my time.  I make time to breathe, to rest, to take care of my physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

My new normal means that I say "no" when I'm too tired.  My new normal is that I let things go, not everything is perfect all the time, not everything is finished all the time.  My new normal is that I put myself first.  My new normal is that I create peace in my life.  At the end of the day, I did everything I needed to do, everything that was good for me, and I sleep in peace.  The next day will hold what it holds.  Most of the time, I am not worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday.

My new normal may be a bit slower, but it's also a bit easier, nicer and healthier.  It is unfortunate that MS brought me to this wonderful place.  I could have enjoyed this place longer if I had learned to slow down before MS knocked on my door.

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