Sunday, December 17, 2017


Holiday lights are everywhere.  Yesterday I saw lines of people walking amidst and among the lights.  The lights were in different shapes and designs and some simply covered the entire area. 

As we drove by them and I took in the effect the extra lights have on me, I thought for a moment about how nice it would be to see these lights all the time.  Just as quickly as the thought came, I knew that if all these lights were up all year long, I would no longer appreciate and enjoy them.

We enjoy the Christmas decorations, the trees and the lights because we only have them for a small portion of the year.  We know that in January we will have to take them down and put them away for another year.  We stop and enjoy them now because we know they will not be around forever.

How many things do we take for granted because they seem to be with us always?  Our children are daily growing and making their way out of our homes.  Do we pause and cherish the moments knowing they will not last forever or do we take them for granted and are suddenly surprised when they begin their own lives.

Our parents and grandparents seem to be ever present in our lives.  As children, we take them for granted.  They seem to always be there.  How many times do we stop and appreciate their presence?  We would like to think they will always be a phone call away, but that isn't the case.  On the day they leave us, will we regret time that we took for granted?

How many times did you feel the urge to contact an old friend then push that urge aside?  Later you discover that they needed to hear from you at that moment.

As we near the holiday when people are getting distracted by tasks and traditions, pause.  Think about what blessings you have in the people around you.  Take a moment to truly be thankful for their presence in your life and take in and enjoy them as you would the Christmas lights that will be taken down in a few short weeks.

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