Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Don't limit yourself with your words.

I like words, not just stories and ideas, but words.  Words have power to paint the deepest most meaningful pictures.  Words bring feelings, memories, and connections.  All through time words have shaped the future, helped us remember the past and explained the present.  I share words with my grandparents when I call or write.  They use words to share they liked my call.  People use words in everything they do.

We hear words, we read words, we think words, we use words to find our way.  Words shape us, define us, inspire us, move us, teach us, and explain us. I love words.  I love hearing them, reading them and especially letting them become part of me. 

These words have the power to create and to tear down.  As I venture into a difficult day or a difficult moment, I am aware the words I tell myself will determine my ability to handle what is coming.  If I dread it and speak about how it will be too difficult or I won't enjoy it or I won't be able to do it, then those words will come true.  If, instead, I am aware of the difficulty, but I speak about how I will overcome it or how the situation will only be for a season then I approach the difficulty ready to get the best out of it.

We surf each summer.  We've often invited or encouraged those we know to try surfing.  It's an experience that can change a person's perspective.  We aren't so extraordinary that surfing comes easy to us while others may struggle.  We are pretty normal and know that most people can at least attempt to surf and ride a few waves even if it's only on their bellies.

I love it when someone is open minded and willing to try surfing.  Whether they enjoy it or not, whether they get a chance to try or not, their willingness is wonderful.  In the same way, I hate it when I invite someone to try surfing and they adamantly reply they can't.  They don't say they won't or don't want to or even that they are scared.  They claim they can't.  You only know if you can or can't do something if you try. 

The best way to know if you are capable of the difficult is to look back at what you have already overcome.  Celebrate the victories and tell yourself that nothing can stop you.  Nothing can keep you down.  Even if all you can do is take one step at a time, that step will be a victory.

Use your words to encourage yourself and remind yourself that you are amazing and the next obstacle is simply another opportunity for another victory.

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