Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tell Me

I just had the most amazing conversation with a former coworker.  She called to ask about our old house, but first she asked how my health was.  She knew I had MS because I was diagnosed while working with her.  I hadn't talked to her in over 2 years, so of course, I answered that I was doing fine.  She adamantly said, "No, how are you really doing?"  Based on the fact that she was adamant about me being honest, I thought perhaps she had been reading my blogs.  She hadn't.  She knew that MS might cause issues and wanted me to be honest with her.  She had no idea about my recent back surgery.

I informed her about my surgery and how this week was tough, but I'm so thankful that today is much better.  I felt like doing things today and, more importantly, I felt like eating.

I love that she made me tell her the truth.  I love that she was genuinely concerned.  I love that a person whom I haven't been in touch with for so long wouldn't let me get away with platitude answers.

I believe some cultures are more honest, some groups of people are more honest. 

As you consider your favorite characters from movies or television, they are probably honest.  They probably stand up for themselves.  They probably speak their mind and make sure they are heard.  The characters that aren't this way change by the end or they aren't our favorites.

Can we adjust our culture? 
Can we require honesty of others and give it in return? 
Can we respect others' ideas and opinions without getting offended? 
Can we stand up for ourselves?
Can we let others know who we really are even if they don't like us? 

We can, but will we? 
Will we try to be true to one another and ourselves? 

I plan on trying.  I realize it may take a lifetime to unlearn bad habits, but it is worth it to know that I was true and honest.

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