Friday, December 1, 2017

Santa's Lap

December 1st is one of my favorite days of the year.  It could be because it marks the beginning of a month filled with my birthday, Christmas and the potential for snow.

Today I'm reminded of a story that happened the day before Christmas Eve 5 years ago.  

While my husband and his brother prepared a Christmas gift for my girls, I had to keep them away from the house.  I took them into town.  They wanted to go see Santa.  At the time, my oldest was 11 and my youngest was 8.  

Against the voices saying:
"You don't want to do that, it'll cost money, 
I don't want to wait in line," 

I took them inside, telling myself:
"They are only young once, 
they still believe in the magic of Santa, 
this won't last forever, 
the line isn't that big of a deal compared to their joy, 
it isn't that much money in the realm of the big picture."

They sat on Santa's lap and got their picture taken.  My youngest talked his ear off. They were both thrilled.

Letting our girls believe in Santa wasn't lying to them.  It was letting them believe in magic and beauty and a pure giving heart.  These are all things Jesus came to give us, we have a fun character at Christmas giving us hope that we can have those same characteristics.  Wonder, mystery, magic.  These are childlike things that should be treasured for as long as possible, even if that means spending $10 on a photo two girls sitting on Santa's lap.

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