Thursday, March 29, 2018


I took a personality test a while ago.  It told me I was a peacemaker.  I do everything I can to create peace.  I read the description of the personality with tears in my eyes.  It couldn't have described me better. 

I am so good at making peace that I will neglect myself.  I will deprive myself of my own joy and my own peace to create a peaceful environment.  It's okay.  I learned that's how I tick.  It was helpful to discover these truths.  I was free to live in them and I didn't need to try to change.  I know my weaknesses and do all I can to turn them to strengths, but in the meantime I accept who I am.

I'll go where you want to eat, do what you want to do.  I may even take on your hobbies.  When asked what I like to do, I often answer with hobbies that the people around me like to do.  I do most things now because my husband started doing them and I joined in.  He started surfing, I joined him.  He started skateboarding, I joined him.  He got me drinking coffee.  I used to camp and ride motorcycles because that is what my family did.  I love puzzles!  I love them because I love them.  Sometimes I love them alone. 

I don't know your personality type.  I don't know how you survive the trails and trials.

You are unique.  You are wonderful.  Each day you get to walk in your shoes.  You get to travel your special path with the flowers, the rocks, the hills, the valleys, the mountains, the streams, and the views. You get to shine.  You get to win battles.  You get to discover new strengths.  You get to overcome weaknesses.  You get to love.  You get to have compassion.  You get to make room for those that are traveling their journey along side you.

I pray you find hope, peace and joy on your journey while you continue to be you. 

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