Tuesday, January 9, 2018


When I was in my early twenties I asked for wisdom at a much younger age that people usually get in their sixties, after a lifetime of living.

Yes, you are thinking the correct words.  Be careful what you ask for.

I used to have to remind myself about the things I was learning on a daily basis.  I had to encourage myself to be gracious with myself, trust my Daddy for help, and learn what it looked like to be me. 

Each day I had little talks with myself, I know this because those many talks are recorded on paper for me to read today.  I read encouraging and inspirational books full of wisdom and life lessons from older, wiser people.  I wrote about those words.  I remembered those words.  I repeated those words each day, each moment always trying to achieve that vision I saw for myself.

I don't know when it happened.  It probably didn't happen in a day, but I don't have to remind myself of those things each day anymore.  I breath them.  I go to them like a habit.  The world starts to crash around me and I am immediately trusting my Daddy to fix it or take care of me.  I don't need to plead each day.  I don't need to remind myself to trust.  I simply trust.  I don't always like what I see, but I trust it will be okay.

I'm not perfect.  I have other new lessons I try to learn each moment now, but those old ones have become part of me.  I hadn't realized this happened.  I hadn't realized how much I had grown mentally and emotionally. 

The best comparison I can think of is a new relationship.  At the beginning you call each other every day, sometimes multiple times.  You can't wait to see each other.  Absence for a few hours feels like an eternity.  After 20 years pass a small look is all you need.  Separation doesn't feel like separation.  You are together even when you aren't.  You breathe in the relationship and even though you are aware of it and continue to make it the best you can, you don't have to give your conscious attention each moment because each moment you are there.  You are in that magical place where you can be and exist and know what is true and amazing.

After all of that, the encouragement is to keep up the journey.  I don't want to call it a fight.  It isn't always a fight.  It is always a journey.  It is a journey with all the ups and downs of a good journey.  Know that the destination will come and it will be amazing.

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