Thursday, January 4, 2018

Make-up and Hair Dye

I've always been a person who prefers natural over anything else.  When I was preteen I proclaimed that I would never color or perm my hair and that I would always keep it long.  At one point it reached my waist.

That proclamation didn't last long.  I got a perm at 13 and began getting highlights and coloring my hair after my daughter was born.  I went grey very early and I thought I might cover it up.  Around that same time I began cutting it shorter and shorter each year.  For many years my hair has been above my shoulders.

I wear minimal make-up.  If I can get away with nothing extra on my face, I will.  If I choose to wear make-up it is usually on my eyes only.  I had terrible acne as a teenager and I think I've always been a little leery about putting a lot of extra products on my face.

After a few attempts at dying my own hair I had to stop.  I couldn't afford it and whenever I tried to do it myself it was uneven and usually the wrong color.  I decided to give up on coloring and let myself be grey.  As a result, I've gotten numerous compliments on my hair color which is a blend of brown, auburn, white and grey.  As the years progress there is more of the latter two colors than the former.  I wouldn't change my hair color now.  It is easy and it is mine.  All those alternate hair colors are pretty, but my color is my own and I don't have to worry about roots growing out. 

My point in sharing this is that we are all created to be exactly who we are.  Adding changes to our body with cosmetics, dyes or surgery should be because we enjoy those things or have broken something not because we are trying to hide who we are or trying to keep people from seeing us as we really are.

When I was my naive younger self I thought if God had wanted me to have curly hair or different colored hair, he would have given it to me.  He gave me what He thought was best for me.  I still believe that.  I am created the way God wanted.  He is not surprised by what time or surgeries or sicknesses have done to my body.  I don't need to hide my true self behind products that promise to fix me.  I can use them because I choose and I like how they accent my eyes or make my hair soft, but I will never use them to hide myself.

As you choose to adorn yourself remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully made.  Do not try to hide what God created.  Adorn yourself, highlight your strengths, but do not hide.

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