Sunday, January 21, 2018

PR Everyday!

A PR in CrossFit is a Personal Record.  The record can range from anything between a heavy lift, a fast time or being able to do something you couldn't do before.  The idea is that you beat your own record.  You lifted a heavier weight, you ran a faster mile, or completed your first hand stand.  Whatever it is, it is your record, not someone else's you are beating.

In the beginning of November I couldn't walk, sit or stand without pain.  After back surgery at the end of that same month, I had daily personal records.  Each day I walked a bit farther so my distance was a PR.  I walked faster so my speed was a PR.  I was able to tie my own shoes, sit in a chair, drive, clean out the dishwasher, ride a bike, carry my own bag.  The records went on and on.  I celebrated each PR no matter how small.  Recently I was able to sit in one of our chairs that used to cause me great pain, that was a PR.  I rode faster and farther on the bike than the last time I rode it, PR! And I did it with ease which in itself is a PR.

I will have many more PR's in the next few months.  I look forward to the day I can run again and do a workout with my family.  Right now I can do partial things, but soon I will be able to do the whole thing.  Instead of rowing with my arms only, I will be able to row with my arms and my legs.

Once I make it through this season, the PR's may not come daily anymore. I may have to work for them again and celebrate them once a month or once every few months.

I love the idea of daily reaching for PR's.  It means I am daily trying to become better.  So what if you can only walk a few hundred yards?  If you walk a few hundred and one tomorrow you just had a PR.  You beat your old record.  Perhaps you can't touch your toes today, but next month you can, that's a PR.  You beat your record again!  It doesn't matter what it is, when you improve upon yourself you have hit a PR.

The other part of PR that I like is the personal part.  You are not trying to beat your friend's record, your neighbor's record or that stranger's record you saw on TV.  You are only focused on yourself.

PR's are essentially what life is about, not just our physical fitness, but our whole self.  Each day, we should be looking to beat our old record: have the better day, complete our work with the best attitude, and get better results than last time.   We are seeking to get a PR by daily doing whatever we can to better ourselves each day and to avoid comparing ourselves to other people's records.  Our job has never been to beat other's peoples records, only our own.  When we focus on ourselves and our own PR's we shine and win every time.

Next time you reach a goal or make a new personal record, think PR and celebrate!

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