Saturday, January 13, 2018


Everyone is on a journey. 
Everyone has a path to travel, a road to traverse, a trail to follow.  
Everyone's journey is their own.  
Everyone's journey shapes who they are and who they become.

We make the mistake of comparing our journey to another's.  We forget that we all begin in different places.  We all end in different places, and we all travel our own roads and take our own turns along the way.  We are blessed when our own journey meets up with others'.  When the road we are traveling is the same road as the precious people who become our dear friends or people who influence our lives or encourage us, we are truly blessed.

Remember that your journey has provided powerful and meaningful lessons for you.  While you were learning these lessons, those around you were learning their own.  You can never expect that everyone you meet has learned what you have learned.  Remember to show them some grace.  Your journey took you to the town where your eyes were opened.  Their journey may not have taken them there yet, it may never take them there.

While you are traveling down your road, don't expect that people will understand your view.  You probably won't understand other's views of their special road either. Your job is to understand your road, your journey, and to pour yourself into seeing everything the road has to offer.  

It makes me sad when people compare their road to mine and they think they can't tell me about the rocky, rough journey because they don't think it is as difficult as my own journey.  They forget that I will understand better than anyone.  I will understand not feeling well.  I will understand not feeling like yourself.  I will understand the frustrations in not being able to do things you could once do.  My journey doesn't make me judge you, it helps me understand you.

I love sharing journey stories with my friends.  Sometimes I can learn from them and can avoid some of the more difficult roads by listening to their story.  I hope that my journey story helps others also.

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