Friday, April 21, 2017


While we were driving to work this morning I looked up and saw the mountains off in the distance.  It was a clear morning without a cloud in the sky.  The sky was just beginning to turn from dark blue to grey.  Light blue would soon follow after the pink and orange. I looked past the cars rushing past and the gas stations and the homes and the power lines to the mountains.  They were simple, there was no chaos, there was peace.

I remembered the line, "Lift your eyes to the hills, to where your help comes from."  I probably didn't remember it perfectly, but it is what came to mind.  I understood it better today.  I always imagined some desert lands and the hills are off in the distance representing some faraway God who promises help.

Today, I saw that lifting my eyes from the busy-ness and the fast pace and the to-do lists to the majestically formed hills that do not have a care in the world brings peace.  They were placed there and will remain standing strong for years on end.  Lifting my eyes to the hills reminded me to take a breath, brought me peace and reminded me that life is bigger than what I see in front of me.  The best part was that lifting my eyes helped me to forget about myself for a moment and allowed the peace to wash over me.

I need to remember to lift my eyes when the weight gets heavy.  I will lift my eyes when I am weary.  I will lift my eyes when it seems too difficult.  I will also lift my eyes to give thanks and celebrate to where my help comes from.

Lift your eyes to the hills.

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