Saturday, April 29, 2017

Sponge-like Souls

Today I was using a sponge to do some deep cleaning.  I started out with clean soapy water.  As the once soapy water began turning brown so did the water that came from the sponge when I squeezed it.

The only thing that will come out of my sponge is what it has already absorbed.  As much as I would like clean soapy water to come from my sponge, I will only get the type of water that the sponge absorbed from the sink. If I put the sponge in milk, milk will come out when I squeeze it. There is no mystery, whatever went in will come out during the squeezing.

It works the same with us.  Whatever we are filled with is what will come oozing out when we are squeezed. We may wish that the pressures of life will bring out strength and peace and wisdom.  These things only come out of us if we spent time soaking them up before we were squeezed.  We can't determine what oozes from us.  We can only determine what goes in.  What do we fill our hearts and minds with while things are good.  While we are at peace and able to rest, what do we absorb in our sponge-like souls?  What we absorb will always be what comes out.  During times of peace we need to allow ourselves to sit in the clean water, the peaceful moments and soak in wisdom.  When the squeezing comes, everyone will see what we spent time absorbing.  The truth of what we are made of will ooze out and reveal our souls.

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