Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cry Too Easily

Over the past months I have noticed a phenomenon.  Whenever I talk about my limitations, I cry.  I don't mean to cry.  I don't feel like crying.  It simply comes out.  If I share that I am having a bad day or that something hurts or that I can't do something, tears flow.  It's a bit embarrassing because I can't control it. I begin talking about a weakness and water flows.  It makes it difficult to speak and it doesn't encourage me to share.

I'm okay sharing about the past.  I'm okay sharing about what I've overcome.  I don't seem to like to share about the present weaknesses. It doesn't help when I am also tired and stressed.

As I reflected on this phenomenon and wondered why it kept happening, the only explanation I could come up with was that I want to be okay.  I want to be capable.  I want to be able to handle whatever comes at me.  Admitting my weaknesses proves that I am not all of those things even if only for a moment.

I've accepted these things.  It's always interesting to me why I operate the way I do.  I suppose I hope that understanding myself will help me make the best decisions.

We could all use a little understanding of ourselves and each other.  We are all doing the best we can with what we have.

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