Monday, August 7, 2017


Within the next 30 days is the anniversary of 3 grandfather's deaths between my husband and I.  This time reminds me about what a special treasure grandpas are to us.

My husband and I have sweet memories of our grandfathers.  We remember their work ethic.  They faithfully went out to do their jobs.  We remember their creativeness.  They created new things, came up with different types of solutions to problems and were inventive with things that people threw away. They taught themselves how to do new things and they taught us a little bit of what they knew.

They made an impression on our lives and we continue to think about them each day.  We remember them fondly.  We see them in our children.  We see them in the world around us.  We remember what they said and we remember what they did.

I hope you have a special grandpa.  I hope you have someone who likes to sit in his favorite chair, take naps and tell stories.  I hope you know someone who watches out his favorite window at the people or the animals that venture by the property.  I hope you have someone who will sit and watch your children play, basking in their joy and not wanting them to be any different than they are.  I hope you have someone with years of experience who quietly lets his experience seep out on you and doesn't force it on you.  I hope you have a special grandpa or or grandpa type.  I hope they are still around.  If they aren't, I hope you remember them daily and fondly and treasure that special part of them they left behind in you.

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