Thursday, August 17, 2017

Still Growing?

When children are little we expect that they will grow.  They will get taller, they will fit into larger sizes of clothing.  They will need bigger shoes on a regular basis.  They will need bigger beds, different car seats, and larger chairs at school.  We measure their growth at birth and continue to keep track of how tall they are each year.  Eventually they stop growing and we stop measuring.

We never put pressure on our children to grow faster or to make sure they reach a certain height.  We let them grow, are encouraged when they appear healthy, and enjoy celebrating the milestones along the way.

I like to measure my student growth the same way.  As long as they are gaining in knowledge, all is well.  I can't make them grow in their knowledge at the same rate as someone else or make them all have identical knowledge.  I can only measure them, encourage them and celebrate their milestones.

As adults, we usually stop growing physically, but we should still be growing in knowledge and understanding of ourselves and our world around us.  We can continue to seek out new information. We can continue to seek out ways to become the best version of ourselves.

Most of us are okay with all of us growing and learning and achieving new heights.  We often forget that we all grow at different rates.  We reach a new level and begin to get impatient with those around us that haven't come to the same understanding yet.  Rather than let them grow at their rate, we get impatient with them and try to force them to grow and be like us.

It's okay to grow, it's essential that we let others grow around us.  We will not all be at the same place at the same time, but as long as we are moving forward we are doing well and should celebrate each other's milestones.

My personal journey has taken me to many different areas in my intellectual growth.  I see things differently than most.  I feel things differently.  I don't expect everyone to see what I see.  I have to focus on where I am and let others be where they are.

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