Friday, August 11, 2017

Time Versus Money

Everyone grows up differently.  Everyone has different ways of celebrating and coming together. Some people like to spend money by going out to eat at a restaurant or buying gifts for one another.  Some people want to spend time together and can find ways to do it without spending money.  Both ways of celebrating are wonderful!

However, I have spent more years with little money than with a lot.  Because of this I have learned the deep value of time.  Stuff get's ruined, lost or worn out.  Time spent with ones we care about can't be taken from us.  We can remember it any time.

Ever since I can remember, my grandma repeatedly told me that all she wanted from me was for me to come visit her.  All she wanted was to be able to see me.  If it was a holiday, she was thankful if I was there.  She didn't want any gifts from me, just me.  This constant reminder has been so instilled in me that I still operate this way.

School begins soon.  As a small final moment of summer, my girls and I had a picnic at a local park while we were out school shopping.  We could have spent money on going out to eat, but I decided to have a picnic.  When the picnic ended, I realized that we had a much more special time than we would have had in a restaurant.

We sat on the grass under some big trees.  We took our shoes off and felt the grass on our toes.  During our meal we started to see some squirrels peaking at us.  Before lunch was finished, four squirrels had surrounded us and were staring at us.  We laughed and joked about the plot the squirrels were planning to attack us. We will always remember the day the squirrels surrounded us on our Back to School Picnic.  We had enough food so that we weren't hungry, a moment that we wouldn't forget, and some nice time together.

People can know how much you care about them simply by the time you are willing to share with them.  I will always choose a little valuable time over something that costs money and will not last.

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