Monday, March 6, 2017

Pink Story: Pink Room Too

Friday morning with my mom was a treasure.  My husband and my girls went to school while my mom and I had the day to spend together.  I still wasn’t feeling that great, but I was determined to enjoy my mom.  In the morning, we sat and had coffee together.  We visited about the recent events.  I thought her timing for her trip had been perfect.  She planned this trip over a month ago.  It was just lucky timing that it fell the weekend after my diagnosis.  My mom brought a few items she had been working on with her.  She had re-finished an old dresser that my grandma purchased over 60 years ago and painted it my youngest daughter's favorite turquoise/sea blue.  Unfortunately, in order to get the dresser into her room we would have to clean it, not the dresser, the room.  My daughter is a wonderful, full of energy and life, but she saves everything just in case she might need it.  She treasures every piece of trash as future art.  My mom understood, she does the same thing.  With all that treasure, we were going to have to dig to find the floor.  We spent at least 3 hours cleaning her room, hanging up clothes, throwing away 5 garbage bags of trash and preparing it for her new dresser.  I still didn’t feel well, so I gave about 30% and did all the sitting jobs.  She also brought a mirror for my oldest daughter.  She had painted the wood frame pink.  We rearranged a few items on her walls so we could hang it.
She brought me a desk she had re-finished for my office/sewing room downstairs.  When we had our basement finished, we intended to use the two rooms down there as rooms for our hobby things.  My husband would get one and I would get one.  It was a dream come true, a room for my sewing and a place to do bills and write without cluttering up the rest of the house, but I had no furniture in it.  My mom brought me a desk chair, a desk, some pictures she painted, a cork board and a lamp.  Everything was pink and sage green.  The chair has a light pink cushion with dragonflies with sage green wings and dark pink ladybugs on it.  All things I love.  I love dragon flies.  I’m not sure why.  I think its their name and their beauty.  Its like they are trying to be a butterfly with their pretty colors, but there are ferocious like a dragon, yet ordinary like a fly.  I know none of these things are scientific about a dragonfly, but its how I think of them.  The cork board and pictures were both bright pink.  Looking at my room now after a year has gone by and I have added a few more items, it is the pinkest room I have ever had.  It is not little girl pink, it is quite adult.  I have bright colors mixed in, but most things have a pink hue to them.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but now it is full of breast cancer reminders.  They are not bad, simply reminders of a season.

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