Thursday, March 23, 2017


Why do people persevere and refuse to quit when times are tough?  When the list is long and never ending, what makes people keep moving?  What helps them get out of bed knowing that the list will still be long when they return to bed?  What makes them serve and help others?  What makes them kind and generous when they feel overwhelmed and beat down?

I've witnessed some of this perseverance recently.  I've witnessed generosity and kindness from people who had a horrible day.  I've been the recipient of caring and understanding from people who were tired and sad. I've been the benefactor of thoughtfulness and kindness from the weary.  I feel blessed to witness this amazing character.

Why do I keep moving?  Why do I continue to do what I'm supposed to among exhaustion and weariness. I'm tired of doing the right thing, but I keep doing it.  I'm tired of being responsible, but I continue checking tasks off my list.  I'm ready to have a moment when there is nothing I have to do waiting for me.  I'm ready for a moment where the tasks are not waiting for me around the corner.

Thankfully, in the meantime, I will persevere.  I will keep moving even when I don't want to.  I don't know why or how, but I will keep moving.

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