Friday, March 24, 2017

Pink Story: Remember

Even though my pneumonia diagnosis should have kept me down a few more days I ventured off to school Monday morning after only 4 days of rest.  Due to the difficulty in preparing for a sub and my desire to busy my mind, it was simply easier to go.

This season is a mental battle more than anything else.  There are still questions waiting to be answered and uncertainties about the future.  My faith is strong during this time not because I have power to believe, but because I have power to remember.  I remember all that my Father has done for me.  He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, two special daughters, a nice home, a wonderful job, a family and friends that care for me.  I remember all the ways He has rescued me.  There were so many times in the early years of our marriage that there wasn’t money for food or gas.  We always paid our bills then worked with whatever was left. Most months there was $20 after the bills were paid for food, gas and any other expenses that might surprise us.  Yet, every month we never went hungry.  Our cars didn’t break down and our clothes lasted even after we no longer liked them.   I remember all the times He has fulfilled His word.  His word says that He loves me.  He shows me every day in the little thoughtful things that I know are only Him loving me, phone calls, special moments, and saving me from car accidents.  My entire life is a picture of how my Father has been there through thick and thin.  I am not strong enough to withstand any hard time.  I am not good enough to deserve any good time.  I attribute my every breath to Him and to how faithful He has been throughout my life.  My life is all the evidence I need to know I can count on Him like no other because He has never let me down.  I remember.  I believe and trust because He has proven trustworthy.

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