Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sick Sucks

Two members of my family were really sick today.  I'm thankful I know what they want.

They want to lay on the couch and watch TV without anyone making them feel guilty.  They don't want to be aware of all their aches and pains.  They want to fall asleep, if possible.  They want to eat, but don't have the energy to make any food on their own.  They want to be cozy and warm, but not too warm.  They want it to be okay with everyone else that they don't feel well.  They don't want to feel pressure to get better sooner than their bodies will let them because then they feel badly for being sick, and they start trying not to burden others instead of just resting and letting their bodies heal.

It's ok to be sick.  It's ok to not feel well.  It's ok to let others take care of you for a bit.
Rest, it will pass and the next day will be much better.

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