Friday, June 16, 2017


I've packed a lot of boxes of our possessions in the past few weeks.  I usually begin in a room and start putting like things into the boxes: items from my desk, food from the pantry, dishes, books.  At the end of packing every box there is always a space that I need to fill and no items that fit that category will fill it. Because of those odd shapes, shoes are with the sewing, books are with the dishes, and socks are with the spices.  The label on the outside of the box never includes everything that is inside.  It usually only describes the main things.

If we are boxes, we are definitely the ones with the hodgepodge of items.  Inside are the main parts of ourselves that the majority of people know about, but there are also those tiny parts of us that fit inside the nooks and crannies and in between the big parts.  When we look at each other we usually see the main parts, the parts that people talk about and willingly show, but we need to remember there are those hidden things in between that are also part of us, part of the box.

Some of my boxes are labeled "kitchen" and they will begin in the kitchen, but once we dig into it a little deeper, we'll find some books, maybe some shoes and probably someone's clothes.  Even though the box begins in the kitchen, parts of it belong in the living room and other parts belong in someone's bedroom closet.

We spend more time in places and some may think we belong there, but there are those other places that we belong just as much and aren't able to spend as much time so people don't think it's part of who we are.

Take a minute to discover all the things packed away in people's boxes before labeling them or placing them in the room you think you belong.

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