Sunday, June 4, 2017


Three years ago we decided that we would not be able to stay in our current home.  It was too big for our little family and was stealing money and time that we would rather give to other things.  At that time, we began getting rid of unnecessary things.  We tried to make our home easier to function in, to clean and to eliminate extra things that we didn't use but simply stored.  I was amazed to find things we had moved to two different houses and never used.

We reflected that whenever we would go on vacation we would only have a few items from our home. We would usually be in a very small house and we were content and at peace and didn't miss the things we left behind.  Perhaps, we didn't need some of them.  It's difficult when items have a story or when they belonged to someone you care about, but is no longer with you.  It makes it more difficult to get rid of those treasures even if you don't use them.  

I have many old treasures that belonged to my grandma who passed away in 2014.  I don't use them and she is not in them, but I have a tough time knowing what to do with them. I remember her more in the pansies growing through my bricks than in the furniture she gave me, but I know I can't replace any of the furniture if something happens to it.  I suppose that is all the more reason to focus on the pansies which come back each year without fail.  

I've been working for the last few years to change my mentality about these things and to accept getting rid of them and know that things, our stuff, doesn't mean anything in the end.  It's difficult, but I know I get a little better at it each day.

I'm looking forward to living in a smaller house.  I'm looking forward to not having the ability to keep so many things.  I'm thankful we are going to keep our lives simple and remember that most important is time with one another.  Our stuff should never keep us from people or keep us so busy that we can't stop and enjoy a conversation once in a while.  

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