Tuesday, June 6, 2017

New House, New Beginning

We like new beginnings.  Even if we don't think we do or don't talk about it, as a culture we celebrate new beginnings.  We celebrate a new year, a birth, a new job, a wedding, a new school year and the list goes on.  My family is about to venture into our own new beginning. By next month we should be in a new house.

We are excited about a new beginning.  We love the idea of beginning afresh and with much less stuff tagging along with us.  As we go through our things to pack them, we are asking, "Do we want to move this thing to the new house?  Do we really need this?  Do we use this?" It is helping us begin anew.  The girls are excited about their new rooms.  My youngest has a long desired window seat and my oldest gets a regular closet with a place to hang up clothes rather than simply a few shelves.

Why do we like new beginnings?  I think it all comes down to a clean slate.  A clean slate or a blank canvas means we can design anything we want.  No mistakes have been made yet.  The possibilities for the new creation are unlimited.  We can imagine meeting goals we have set for each ourselves.  We can imagine fulfilled dreams and hopes becoming reality.

Our biggest mistake is thinking that new beginnings are only found when the "big change" days come around.  I'm always baffled by the amount of energy everyone puts into the first day of the new year when in reality it's a new day just like each day that we are given when we arise in the morning.  We can begin with a blank canvas each morning.  Each month there is another first day, each week has it's own new beginning.

When life isn't going the way we want.  When we've made more mistakes than we can count, a new beginning is only a moment away.  A moment to start fresh and make your own new beginning and create the picture we really want.

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