Saturday, June 10, 2017


Many years ago I read a something about a man who had a different way of taking care of his trees. After he planted a tree he wouldn't spend a lot of time taking care of it.  He wouldn't give it a lot of water.  He would even beat it up a little.  He explained that he was helping the tree to grow deep roots.

I don't remember the details of the story, I remember the point was that you don't baby the tree.  You let it search for water, you let it work to get it's nutrients.  You let it grow.  When you are constantly pouring water at the surface of the soil, the tree can easily lap it up.  The roots can extend far and wide like a stretched out man on the couch.  The problem arises when the winds blow.  Those roots will quickly pop out of the soil with the slightest wind.  The tree will fall.  However, when the roots had to search deep into the soil for water, the wind won't be able to knock the tree down.  The roots will hold it in place and no amount of wind will take it out.

Today, my youngest daughter turned 13.  As I look at her, I see someone with deep roots.  I see someone capable of standing firm in what is right and not being blown down by every little idea.  I see someone who is strong in her own character and isn't easily changed or moved by others trying to make her different or make her more like them.

I am thankful for her deep roots.  Plenty of wind storms have tried to take her out and even though she is a little beat up sometimes, she is stronger for it.  She is my strong, beautiful tree that continues to grow and thrive whether the sun is shining or the storms are brewing.

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