Sunday, June 18, 2017


Today I met and visited with strangers.  It was incredible.

Usually when I am out, I am with someone.  I am with one of my daughters or my husband or a friend or other family member.  If I go out alone, I am on an errand.  I don't travel alone and I don't eat out alone.  Today I did both of those things.

I know that many people do this regularly and are pros at it.  I'm not.  I'm 40 years old and even though I've imagined myself being a strong independent woman out in the world, it doesn't happen very often.

Today began with the plane ride.  I got on a plane to travel to my final destination to finish my master's degree.  On the way, I visited with a young lady on her way to visit friends in Panama City. She was going to be staying a month.  Unfortunately, she was supposed to go next month but had to leave a month early because one of her friends died.  I couldn't bring myself to make her talk about it more, but I thought that was sad, yet she knew that she would also find joy in spending time with her other friends.

I met another lady who was thrilled to be going on vacation to Jackson Hole.  It sounded like the break was welcome.  She was traveling with her family and would be gone a week.

I met a 9 month old little girl with eyes as blue as a clear lagoon and thick blond hair standing rebelliously on end.  She was learning to make noises, which to he,r was talking.  She made the most beautiful sound.  She said "da" in as many different ways and  in as many different tones as you could possible say it to tell her story.  She had a wonderful family.  They all loved each other and enjoyed being with each other.  She and her dad played peek-a-boo while we were landing.  All that giggling wasn't going to let a tear sneak out.

A lady named "Jazzy" took me to my final destination in her Yellow Cab.  She was incredible and cared about me.  We talked about family and life and I was no longer leery about riding in a cab.  Her story is much longer, she will get her own page. She changed the course of my day.

Finally, I met a lady named Trish.  We visited over a drink.  We were complete strangers talking about life and relationships and her upcoming wedding.  Trish gets her own page too.  I felt blessed to get to meet her.

I said goodbye to my family this morning and started on my journey alone.  At the end of my journey, I was impacted by at least 5 different people, they made a mark on my day and I will remember them. They made a mark on me and I will be affected by them.  After these encounters, I am thrilled to see who else I will meet and fellowship with over these next two weeks.

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